Addons » AIMP for PC » Skins
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PipBoy F4 v1.11

Russell | 2019-05-02 | 2.7 MB | Downloads: 66440

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v3.60 or newer
Form: Horizontal
Tone: Middle, Dark
Surface: Glossy, Mat, Glass
Interface: Thematic

We recommend to use the aimp_oscillograph visualization with this skin.

MP3 Remix Player v2.5

memo-se | 2019-04-23 | 1.1 MB | Downloads: 155651

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v4.50 or newer
Form: Horizontal
Tone: Middle, Dark
Surface: Glossy

MP3 Remix Player on Deviantart

Koyna RN v3.33

samix | 2019-03-18 | 1.2 MB | Downloads: 111231

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v4.10 or newer
Form: Vertical
Tone: Dark
Surface: Mat
Interface: Thematic, 8-bit

Office 2016

laziem | 2019-02-26 | 1.2 MB | Downloads: 78201

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v4.50 or newer
Form: Horizontal, All-in-One
Tone: Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Windows 8 UI, Thematic

Office2016 Skin on Deviantart

VOLET v1.07

IDimm | 2019-02-11 | 2.4 MB | Downloads: 277837

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v4.50 or newer
Form: Vertical
Tone: Dark
Surface: Mat

Удерживание кнопки "Play/Pause" -"Stop"
Удерживание кнопки "Equalizer" -"DSP...EQ"
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