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Wondrous Wave

AKhod | 2021-04-19 | 679.4 KB | Downloads: 36540

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v3.10 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light, Middle
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

В макете авто панель управления плейлистом- сдвинуть панель управления воспроизведением влево.

Gradient Cover 4

AKhod | 2024-01-16 | 2.6 MB | Downloads: 9307

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark
Interface: Touch
Surface: Mat

In the phone layout, the bookmark can be created by clicking on the queue label.

Cubic Reloaded

AJ | 2022-12-14 | 436.8 KB | Downloads: 20349

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v3.30 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch, For CarPC

Продолжение темы Cubic

The Squad

AJ | 2022-12-14 | 884 KB | Downloads: 22244

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v3.30 or newer
Tone: Light
Interface: Touch, For CarPC, Thematic

Вдохновлено стилистикой постеров фильма "Отряд самоубийц" (2016)


AJ | 2024-01-16 | 367.6 KB | Downloads: 18498

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light, Middle
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch, For CarPC

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